Here is Pastor Grant with the conclusion of “How to Tune Up your Marriage.”
Pastor Grant takes us to the Book of Genesis to discover one of the chief reasons God designed and created Eve, as the wife of Adam, in the way that He did. Whether you are married, unmarried, or hope to be married, we trust the very practical ‘tips’ Pastor Grant brings from God’s Word, will be helpful to all.
Pastor Brian Grant continues to draw from the Holy Scriptures wise counsel that provides a very practical recipe for a happy, rewarding and God-honoring marriage.
The institution of marriage is under assault today like never before. Many marriages are in chaos and breaking up even within the Christian community. Pastor Brian Grant brings clarity to the situation through a series of messages that offers hope that can only come from God’s Word, the Bible.
Pastor Grant picks up the thread of his message entitled, “The Spirit-filled Revolution”.
Pastor Grant discusses how a Spirit-filled revolution that dramatically affects society can occur when Spirit-filled Christians live out the Word of God in their daily lives, and how such a Spirit-filled revolution first impacts the home by strengthening and preserving marriage.