Turn with us to the Book of 2nd Kings, chapter 2 and listen with us as Pastor Grant picks up his message, “Eyes On The Prize.”
Pastor Grant will be our guide as we join Elijah and Elisha on a tour of the Holy Land, visiting several places that have great significance in the life of the nation, and whose heritage would impact young Elisha in very personal ways that would fit him to reach the prize God had set out for him to achieve.
Turn to the Book of 1st Kings, chapter 21 and listen with us as Pastor Grant brings the second part of his message titled, “Guard Your Inheritance.”
This message is based on the encounter between the wicked King Ahab and a man named Naboth during the days of Elijah the prophet.
Pastor Grant shows us how God raised his despairing servant from the ash heap of depression and led him courageously on to further victories.
Pastor Grant lists five points that detail life lessons that can be learned from God’s dealings with his valiant servant in despairing circumstances.
This evening’s broadcast brings the concluding part of Pastor Grant’s message entitled, “Get Ready To Rumble” taking life lessons from the epic contest between Elijah (the prophet of God), King Ahab and the prophets of Baal.
In his series on life lessons to be taken from the ministry of Elijah the prophet, Pastor Grant will make three points that illustrate qualities God requires of His heroes.
We trust you will be blessed as you follow along with Pastor Grant as he concludes the message, “A Hero Lies In You.”
In his message, Pastor Grant explains that by using the term “hero” in his message title, he was underscoring the fact that God is not looking for ‘Stars;’ people wanting to be heroes. Unlike the world’s way, God is looking for ordinary people who love Jesus and want to be His servants.