Pastor Grant will conclude his message by going once again to God’s Word where we will discover some very practical steps for a Christian to follow in developing a God-honoring relationship with that special person.
Pastor Grant explains in the most practical terms, the parameters of developing a God-honoring relationship with a prospective spouse.
Pastor Grant continues his series with a list of RED FLAGS: warnings from God’s Word that this individual is NOT for you!
For the Christian, certain qualities of a prospective mate must be non-negotiable. However, Pastor Grant will show us from scripture that there are other qualities that one must also be looking for in a prospective mate; qualities that may have some flexibility, but are nevertheless important qualifiers if one is to avoid making bad decisions about whom to marry.
Pastor Grant will return to the question of God’s design for marriage, and how one should explore the very personal question of whether God intends for them the gift of marriage or the gift of singleness.
Pastor Grant addresses the basic question of God’s design for marriage: Is marriage for everyone?