Hear the concluding part of Pastor Brian Grant’s last message in his series on the life of Abraham.
Listen as Pastor Grant brings the first part of his message, “Abraham’s Legacy of Faith"
Pastor Grant will continue to draw from the life of Abraham important keys of how to find and receive God’s guidance in ways that will bring Him glory.
Most of us at some point, find ourselves desperately wanting God’s guidance about some crucial decision that must be made. Pastor Brian Grant will take us through a decision process of finding God’s guidance demonstrated in the life of Abraham.
Pastor Grant shows us from scripture how there is still hope for the Prodigal and victory is still possible, even for someone whose past may be littered with compromise.
Pastor Grant takes us into some of the darkest moments that can challenge a commitment to faith.
This evening, Pastor Grant continues in the life of Abraham as he looks at the question, “What is true worship?”
Pastor Brian Grant will outline for us from scripture, some of the marks, or evidences of true faith, and what such a faith that passes the test will produce in the life of the believer.
Pastor Grant opens the scriptures to find the answer to this big question: “What do I need to do to pass the test?”
How can we tell Real faith from counterfeit faith? Listen with us now as Pastor Grant lists for us some of the marks of real faith demonstrated in the life of Abraham.