Living God’s Way-Audio

God has obligated Himself to guide anyone who sincerely seeks the Living God into the light of His Grace. This week, Pastor Grant takes us to chapter 10 of the Book of Acts where we see unfolded, a dramatic illustration of that principle in action.
Pastor Grant examines the imperatives of the Gospel, so associated with the ministry of Paul, as he answers from Scripture the question, “Are the Heathen Really Lost?”
In the second part of the message, "Impacted by Grace," Pastor Brian Grant looks at some of the dramatic changes that occurred in the life of Saul of Tarsus as the result of his encounter with the risen Christ.
Pastor Grant will have us look at the dramatic conversion of the man who would come to have an impact on the Church and the Christian faith second only to that of Jesus Christ Himself: Saul of Tarsus; later to be better known as the Apostle Paul.
Pastor Grant continues the second part of this message; drawing a sharp contrast between the destructiveness of conflict within the Church and how external fire (attacks from without), strengthen the Church and even achieve God’s purpose.
Pastor Brian Grant examine several instances of internal fire; issues that arose in the Early Church that threatened to split the unity of the Spirit and bring harm upon the Church and its ministry.
Pastor Grant describes what it took for the Early Christians to accomplish great things for Christ.
Pastor Grant tells us how, in the Early Church, God used ordinary men to accomplish extraordinary things.
Pastor Grant talks about five more marks that are a measure of a healthy church.
Listen as Pastor Grant explains the marks of a healthy Church; a church fit and empowered to carry out Christ’s mission in this world.