Pastor Grant continues to explore the question of how it is that God still speaks to listening hearts.
Pastor Grant will look into the Scriptures to find the answer to questions that may be on the minds of many people: Does God speak to people in the same way that He did in the Bible. Does God still speak to us today? And is it possible to hear His voice?
Pastor Grant gives us a little history of how that doctrine of grace, alone, was soon lost in the traditions of men until rediscovered and reaffirmed in the Protestant Reformation.
We will be hearing about what it was that urgently brought the leaders of the early Church together; urgent issues that would have a profound effect upon the doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ and upon its mission in this world.
Pastor Grant will go into the important and life-changing choices a young King Josiah made that broke the bonds of the sins of the past and turned him into a change agent for God.
Pastor Grant takes us to some passages in the Old Testament to show how God can use ordinary people; people like you and me, to impact others for Christ.
Pastor Grant continues to explore those great blessings, identified in Acts chapter 13, a chapter that also contains the solemn warning that those blessings can be lost.
Pastor Grant explores three great blessings from God that surrounds us all, and are available to all mankind simply because of His unmerited favor.
Pastor Grant continues with part 2 of his message, "God's Chosen Vessels."
Using the text of 1 Peter chapter 2, Pastor Grant explains how every Child of God is a “Priest unto God,” and is called to bear witness to Christ.