Living God’s Way-Audio

Pastor Grant addresses the basic question of God’s design for marriage: Is marriage for everyone?
Pastor Grant brings us two more priorities that must characterize the witness of the Church as our generation attempts to reach the new generation with the life-changing Gospel.
Pastor Grant examines Paul’s unshakable confidence in God’s promise as an example for us to follow no matter the ferocity of the storms that come our way.
Pastor Grant will use the Apostle Paul as an example of unwavering trust in the promises of God.
Pastor Grant will use the Apostle Paul as an example of unwavering trust in the promises of God.
Pastor Grant takes us back to his text in Acts chapter 24, bringing out how the Gospel message causes different responses in different people, and how each of these kinds of responses have eternal consequences.
Pastor Grant will be looking afresh at the message of the Gospel and what it meant for that great apostle and missionary to the Gentiles, the Apostle Paul.
"This is the second part of Pastor Brian Grant’s message entitled, “Pentecostal Power.”
We will hear how the Holy Spirit working through ordinary people turned the world of their day upside down.
Pastor Grant will take us to various scriptures that look at the other side of that coin, listing practical ways to resolve conflict.
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