Living God’s Way-Audio

Hear the concluding part of Pastor Brian Grant’s message entitled, Finding Deliverance in Christ.
In his ongoing series taken from the life of Abraham, Pastor Grant returns to Genesis chapter 19 and the account of Abraham’s nephew, Lot, and his sojourn living among the wicked in the city of Sodom.
Pastor Grant brings the second part of his message, “Living Too Close to the Edge.”
This message is part of Pastor Grant’s series, taken from the life of Abraham, in which the primary character is Abraham’s nephew, Lot.
This begins the second of Pastor Brian Grant’s messages entitled “Don’t Settle for Less than God’s Best.”
Hear how a fresh encounter with God took Abraham out of his comfort zone, gave him a new name, renewed his commitment and set him on a path to far greater blessings than he had ever imagined possible.
Pastor Grant will return to Genesis 16 to show what it means to you and I today, that God - Our God - is a God who sees.
God reveals Himself in a very special way to Hagar, the mother of Abraham’s child, Ishmael; both of whom found themselves alone and in dire circumstances.
This is the second part of Pastor Brian Grant’s message entitled, “God Can Re-write Your Story.”
We will learn through God’s dealings with Abraham, a deeply personal lesson that, no matter the past failure, God can re-write the story.
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