Pastor Brian Grant will outline for us from scripture, some of the marks, or evidences of true faith, and what such a faith that passes the test will produce in the life of the believer.
Pastor Grant opens the scriptures to find the answer to this big question: “What do I need to do to pass the test?”
How can we tell Real faith from counterfeit faith? Listen with us now as Pastor Grant lists for us some of the marks of real faith demonstrated in the life of Abraham.
Listen as Pastor Grant brings the second part of his message, entitled, "How to Know If Your Faith is Real, Part 1".
Pastor Grant takes us to the Book of James to answer the question as to whether or not ‘works’ has anything to do with salvation by Grace.
This message is abbreviated in order to fit the single-broadcast format, but we invite our listeners to go to the GCA-TV Search tab and add the word, "Calvary" in the Search box to view the video of the whole message.
We continue to look at the life of Abraham to discover some essential keys to actually living a life characterized by faith.
Pastor Grant explains how there are three things that must not be missed if we are to truly live by faith and experience all the goodness of God’s promises. He also explores the question which some may be asking, “If God keeps His promises, why aren’t things working out for me?”
Pastor Grant opens the door of hope to us this evening in this second part of his message entitled, “Battling Besetting Sins.”
Pastor Brian Grant identifies for us what is meant by the term, ‘besetting sin,’ as it is used in scripture