Pastor Grant takes a fresh look at the meaning behind those two metaphors - salt and light - which describe the kind of persons we must be in order to be used by the Holy Spirit to make an impact for Christ in this world.
Pastor Grant deals with the proofs of Christ’s resurrection from the dead; that ever-so-critical central fact of our Christian faith.
Pastor Grant explains how the death of Jesus Christ on the cross is one of the best documented facts in not only the Bible, but also in the secular writings of that day.
Pastor Grant will go into the 2nd and 3rd sticking points in his list, as he concludes the first message in his new series, “The Case for Christ.”
Pastor Grant explores some of the issues that cause many to stumble at making a decision for Christ by focusing on three sticking points to faith.
Hear the concluding part of Pastor Brian Grant’s last message in his series on the life of Abraham.
Listen as Pastor Grant brings the first part of his message, “Abraham’s Legacy of Faith"
Pastor Grant will continue to draw from the life of Abraham important keys of how to find and receive God’s guidance in ways that will bring Him glory.
Most of us at some point, find ourselves desperately wanting God’s guidance about some crucial decision that must be made. Pastor Brian Grant will take us through a decision process of finding God’s guidance demonstrated in the life of Abraham.
Pastor Grant shows us from scripture how there is still hope for the Prodigal and victory is still possible, even for someone whose past may be littered with compromise.