We invite you to turn to the Book of Proverbs and listen as Pastor Grant uses a number of selected scriptures in bringing his message entitled, “Is There a Point of No Return?”
Pastor Grant leads us to his final point about the impact of the resurrection.
Pastor Grant draws from scripture important ways in which the resurrection of Jesus Christ fundamentally impacts everyone in this world; whether a Believer or not.
Listen as Pastor Grant picks up the theme with practical instructions in how doing things God’s Way can produce the dream Christ desires.
Turn in your Bibles to the Gospel of John chapter 17 and listen with us as Pastor Grant brings the first part of his message, “Restoring the Dream”.
Pastor Grant brings the challenge of an expanded faith down to the present, using the same text to show how believing all of God’s promises, by trusting the process, allows God to rebuild the life of the believer into a masterpiece of faith.
Pastor Grant brings the challenge of an expanded faith down to the present, using the same text to show how believing all of God’s promises, by trusting the process, allows God to rebuild the life of the believer into a masterpiece of faith.
This message follows the same theme of expanding the limits of our faith, but the emphasis is on how necessary it is to trust the process of how God is working to expand that faith.
Pastor Grant deals with the proofs of Christ’s resurrection from the dead; that ever-so-critical central fact of our Christian faith.
Pastor Brian Grant gives conclusive evidence of the well-documented fact that Jesus truly died on Calvary’s Cross.