Listen with us as Pastor Grant brings the concluding part of his message, “I Can See Clearly Now”.
Pastor Grant draws from the life of Joseph a brief list of important and personal things we must know about God’s purpose for our lives.
Pastor Grant describes integrity as doing the right thing all the time—even when no one is looking; a defining characteristic of Joseph’s life.
Turn with us to Genesis chapter 40 and listen as Pastor Grant brings a message from God’s Word titled, “Stamped With Integrity.”
Joseph, a youngster with much promise, had his dream hijacked by being manhandled by his brethren and sold as a slave into Egypt. Pastor Grant shows how, instead of becoming embittered by his experience, young Joseph drew closer to the Lord, and how when faced with a secret temptation to sin, he managed to maintain his moral purity in the sight of his God.
Pastor Grant shares with us the secret of how Joseph, despite the bad turn of his circumstances, stayed on course to achieve his God-given dream by not giving up hope. Also, how it is that God often uses our difficulties to prepare us for our destiny.
Joseph was a highly favored young man to whom God had revealed an astounding future, but who would, nevertheless, come to learn that the road to this astounding future was equally astounding in its twists and turns; its teasing ‘ups’ and its crushing ‘downs. Indeed, Joseph was a man who came to experience the emptiness of what it meant to have one’s dreams hijacked.