Pastor Grant brings out four characteristics that typify world-changing and history-changing faith. Pastor Grant also references the account of Noah and the Flood to bring a sobering message for those who delay a decision for Christ in light of the soon-coming Rapture.
In this message, Pastor Grant will show how a bad background does not necessarily limit one’s potential when the Lord is in the picture. He'll also show how God led Abram from half-hearted faith to world-changing faith.
Here is Pastor Grant with the conclusion of “How to Tune Up your Marriage.”
Pastor Grant takes us to the Book of Genesis to discover one of the chief reasons God designed and created Eve, as the wife of Adam, in the way that He did. Whether you are married, unmarried, or hope to be married, we trust the very practical ‘tips’ Pastor Grant brings from God’s Word, will be helpful to all.
Listen with us now as Pastor Grant concludes his message, “Showing Your Children How to Live.”
Listen with us now as Pastor Grant draws three lessons we might learn from scripture that will help, especially fathers, show their children how to swim against the tide in this increasingly sinful and violent world of today.
Listen to the concluding part of Pastor Brian Grant’s message, “How to Speak to Your Children About Gender Issues.”
Pastor Brian Grant offers three points, based on God’s unchangeable Word, that must be taught to our children if they are to have a chance at withstanding the lies of the Devil.
Follow along as Pastor Grant finishes his message entitled, “The Power of Forgiveness”.
Pastor Grant list some common misperception about what forgiveness means.