Pastor Brian Grant brings the second part of his message explaining that, in spite of the wreckage his sin brought to his life, David became one of God’s great champions because he was in tune with God and His purposes.
Some people wonder how David can be called “A man after God’s Own Heart” when he had committed such great sins? Quoting Chuck Swindoll, Pastor Brian Grant said, that was “because he was in sync with God.” What does that mean? Pastor Grant will shed the light of scripture on what it means to be in sync with God.
Pastor Brian Grant brings the second part of his message explaining that, in spite of the wreckage his sin brought to his life, David became one of God’s great champions because he was in tune with God and His purposes.
Some people wonder how David can be called “A man after God’s Own Heart” when he had committed such great sins? Quoting Chuck Swindoll, Pastor Brian Grant said, that was “because he was in sync with God.” What does that mean? Pastor Grant will shed the light of scripture on what it means to be in sync with God.
We invite you to follow along in your Bibles as Pastor Grant concludes his message entitled, The Baptism of The Holy Spirit.
Pastor Brian Grant will take us to the opening chapters of the Book of the Acts where is recorded the birth of the Church of Jesus Christ with the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples on the Day of Pentecost.
Pastor Grant takes us back to his text in Acts chapter 24, bringing out how the Gospel message causes different responses in different people, and how each of these kinds of responses have eternal consequences.
Pastor Grant will be looking afresh at the message of the Gospel and what it meant for that great apostle and missionary to the Gentiles, the Apostle Paul.
"This is the second part of Pastor Brian Grant’s message entitled, “Pentecostal Power.”
We will hear how the Holy Spirit working through ordinary people turned the world of their day upside down.